The Top 3 Fasting Myths keeping you from its amazing benefits

For many, fasting conjures up images of Jesus going without food for 40 days and 40 nights. Or it brings to mind what many Muslims do during Ramadan when fasting from dawn to dusk for 30 days. But, for a biohacker like me and many others, fasting, also known as intermittent fasting or time restricted eating, is a ‘biohack’ that can be used to improve energy, focus, productivity, and metabolic health.

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karin reed
How Human Potential Coaching Transforms Lives

Like other coaching processes, Human Potential Coaching starts with goals. What do you, the client, want to achieve? When I ask you this, you will likely answer me from the point of view of the cave. You will give an answer such as I want to make $XXX money this year, I want to be promoted in my career, I want to lose 20 pounds. These are all fine goals, and most coaches would be able to accept these and support you to get some results. The difference, however, between Human Potential Coaching and most other forms of coaching, is in what happens next.

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karin reed
A case for the less sexy cold option

If you don’t yet have a cold exposure routine and are anything less than 100% satisfied with your energy level, your body composition/weight, muscle soreness, recovery time, overall health, or motivation, then you need to start doing this.

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karin reed
Making a Habit of Discomfort - Parts 1 and 2

Well, I did that Wim Hof workshop. I sat in an ice bath at a temperature just above freezing for somewhere between 2 and 3 minutes. As soon as I started shivering, the coach instructed me to get out. It took hours for me to feel warm again. It was extremely uncomfortable, but I am proud of this accomplishment. I did something that was really, really hard. I don’t know that I want to do this thing ever again.

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karin reedWhole Human
How to Stop Procrastinating (and Start Motivating)

Motivation comes from the root word ‘to move’. Procrastination is the opposite of that. It is ‘not moving’. Newtons First Law of Motion states that an object in motion will remain in motion unless compelled to change by an external force. Likewise, an object at rest will remain at rest unless compelled to change. Are you in motion, or are you at rest?

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karin reed
31 Days 'Be in Your Body Challenge'

By now, most of you are aware of the amazing benefits of meditation. It is arguably one of the best bio-hacks around. It reduces stress, improves emotional and mental health, leads to greater self-awareness, slows aging, relieves pain, and helps you sleep better. Meditation teaches you that you are not your thoughts. But however wonderful meditation is, so many people struggle to do it or to make it a part of their daily routine. They get frustrated and give up because they ‘aren’t doing it right’. The truth is that it is a practice. It’s not supposed to be perfect, and you will never get it right, and that’s ok. But if you are frustrated, or even if you aren’t, and just want to enjoy some of the same benefits, try the following practices.

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karin reed
5 Easy Hacks to Start Today

30 days until the New Year. You have parties to attend, gifts to purchase, decorations to put up, and holiday meals to prepare. It can be a little stressful. And, stress unmanaged leads to fatigue, irritability, poor sleep, and weight gain. To fight back and make it to the start of the new year in better shape than you are now, incorporate these 5 easy bio-hacks into your daily routine.

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karin reed
The 3 R's to Zero Holiday Hangovers.

This time of year we have so many reasons to be thankful and to celebrate. It’s also a time of many parties and opportunities to imbibe. Of course, if you want to completely eliminate hangovers, don’t drink. But even the healthiest among us indulge from time to time. Read on to learn how to enjoy the festivities and still feel great.

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karin reed
Successful people use this one tool well.

One thing I love about coaching is how much I learn from my clients at the same time they are also learning! I am working with clients who also aspire to be more Kind and in exploring this with them I have had insights about my own life and how I can do better.

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karin reed
Why You're Not Losing Weight on Keto

The ketogenic diet is a great way to eat if you want to burn fat, enjoy lots of energy, reduce inflammation, and slow the aging process. I often coach clients on how to be successful with keto which includes modifications for each individual. However, I find most people who struggle to lose weight on Keto are making this one big mistake… 

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karin reedketogenic, weight loss