How Human Potential Coaching Transforms Lives

What makes Human Potential Coaching so transformative? How is it different than Life Coaching or Health Coaching or Wellness Coaching? To answer that I must first tell you that I’m an Engineer. And as an Engineer I’m accustomed to dealing with very complex systems. One of the hacks I, and other Engineers, use to make complex systems easier to explain and navigate is by applying a simple representation or model. And so always an Engineer at heart, I have settled on a simple model to describe how Human Potential Coaching transforms lives. While the process is actually quite complex and multilayered, there is an ease to it, and therein lies the magic.


You see, most of us operate primarily from the ‘cave’. The cave is the thought-based part of our cognitive mind. The part of the brain where we analyze and problem solve, and where limiting beliefs and stories are housed. It is the part of the brain where the ego lives. It is also where incessant mind chatter sits. The cave is often useful. Until it isn’t.


Like other coaching processes, Human Potential Coaching starts with goals. If you are the client, what do want to achieve? When I ask you this, you will likely answer me from the point of view of the cave. You will give an answer such as I want to make $XXX money this year, I want to be promoted in my career, I want to lose 20 pounds. These are all fine goals, and most coaches would be able to support you to get some results.


The difference, however, between Human Potential Coaching and most other forms of coaching, is in what happens next. What makes Human Potential Coaching so unique is our ability to help a client move beyond the cave, to tap into what else is there beyond the cave-based ideas.  Human Potential Coaches support our clients to go deeper, and deeper, and deeper. Our process guides clients from the ‘cave’ (which sits in the front part of the head) and into the body. When we operate mostly or entirely from the cave, when we make decisions from the cave, set goals from the cave, or create action plans from the cave, we may make some progress. But we are missing out on so much. Our entire body, including our head, has wisdom and knowledge and insights. When we only use a small part of the body, the head, we are ignoring 80% of what is available to us. When we are able to go into the body, we find new awareness. New awareness of what is really important to us. New insights into what we really, really want. We access new information and new resources that can help us. As I guide clients into the body, what I hear most often is that they are actually seeking love, connection, peace, or freedom.


When clients connect to these deep-seated body-based desires, what emerges may be an entirely different goal. At minimum their original goals take on a different quality, a different degree of urgency. When we are tapped into our bodies and importantly, our hearts, we often find that love for ourself is most important of all. When clients are guided to feel this in their body, and allow this self-love to expand and consume them, they emerge with an entirely different perspective on what they now want and what they now need to do. Clients who initially came to me to lose 20 pounds, for example, may still want that, but it becomes a secondary goal. The primary goal may be to find love inside themselves. Clients find that once they connect to the new body-based goal the rest becomes easy. Clients walk away from  Human Potential Coaching with an entirely different perspective on what is important. Overwhelm, frustration, stress, and unhealthy habits begin to fall away when they are connected to their true selves.


Within each of us, there is a wisdom. You may call it life force, the soul, the heart, the soma. We all have it. Our challenge is to access it. To rediscover it. Then to build an action plan while still tapped into it. An action plan may include revisiting this space with some regularity. To check in, as we go about our day, to what we really want, and really need to do, or as is often the case, NOT do. Human Potential Coaching practices enable us to recognize when being in the cave isn’t serving us. I don’t want to sugar coat this. It is not a one-time discovery. It is a journey, and that road can be difficult. It may seem as though we take one step forward, then two steps back. As most of us have lived our entire lives from the cave, old habits die hard. But with practice we can begin to recognize when we are operating from the cave. When limiting beliefs are holding us back. We can begin to recognize when old stories are not serving us anymore. And with practice we can begin to write and live our new story.


My mission as Human Potential Coach is to facilitate learning and change in my clients so they can reach their full human potential. I believe Human Potential Coaching is the most effective system out there. The ability to support a client in shifting from the cave – limiting beliefs, old stories, feelings of overwhelm, disconnection - to the perspective of the body (and heart). This is the secret sauce that illuminates a client’s truest and most-valued goals and ultimately allows them to unlock their full and WHOLE human potential.


Want a taste of what Human Potential Coaching can do for you? Book your FREE Human Potential Coaching Discovery Call here.

karin reed